I am Deniz Genlik, a final-year Ph.D. student at The Ohio State University. My research area is algebraic geometry, and my research interests are accumulated around Gromov-Witten theory. Mostly, I have been thinking about Gromov-Witten invariants, mirror symmetry, crepant resolutions, holomorphic anomaly equations, Hilbert schemes of points, and certain tools to study these.

My Ph.D. advisor is Hsian-Hua Tseng. Before coming to OSU, I completed my MSc thesis under the supervision of Sergey Finashin at Middle East Technical University. During this period, I worked on symplectic topology.


Starting Fall 2024, I will be a J. L. Doob Research Assistant Professor (a postdoctoral position) at UIUC.

If you would like more details, you can have a look at my CV.



Other Writings

You can find a recording of a talk I gave on my preprints 1 and 3: Higher Genus Gromov-Witten Theory of C^n/Z_n 


I am a winner of The 2020 First Year Teaching Award and The 2021 Phil Huneke Distinguished Teaching Associate Award given by the OSU Department of Mathematics. The first award is given to 3-4 TAs who showed excellent teaching performance in their first year of teaching. On average, 25 TAs are in their first year of teaching at the department. The latter award is more competitive. There are over 100 TAs in the department; only 3 TAs receive this annual award. 

I was a teaching assistant for the following courses:

Teaching at The Ohio State University (OSU)


 Teaching at Middle East Technical University (METU)

In addition to being a teaching assistant, I taught Commutative Algebra as a co-lecturer with Mihail Arabadji and M. Levent Doğan at METU in 2017. This was not an official course. It was a student-led course companion to the official algebraic geometry sequence taught by Özgür Kişisel.

Also, I took part in certain outreach activities organized by the OSU Department of Mathematics. During the summers of 2021, and 2022, I was an assistant at BTC Summer Camp for middle and high school students. The focus was on mathematics-based magic tricks in 2021, and the camp in 2022 was on the mathematics of music.

Besides these, I was also a part of the OSU Directed Reading Program as a mentor in the 2022-2023 academic year.